German Shepherd and Newborn Baby - How To Prepare

German Shepherd and Newborn Baby – How To Prepare

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Your German Shepherd is used to being the center of attention around the house, but now everything is going to change. We want to avoid any jealousy your dog may form, which is very likely. Preparing for a new baby is a lot of work already. Yet you need to make sure you prepare your Shepherd too. Lucky for you German Shepherds are already friendly dogs, but are still loyal and protective. Don’t worry after a few weeks your dog will start protecting your baby every second of every day, watching the baby like a hawk, making sure no harm comes to them. You need to make sure you go over this German Shepherd and Newborn Baby checklist to know your ready though!

Good Manners!

First thing first is to make sure your dog doesn’t have any aggression problems. Most German Shepherds don’t but if yours happens to nip or growl occasionally you want to get that dealt with. You can train them yourself or hire a professional. This is important for your baby and all the company you will have over.

Make sure your German shepherd also can sit, stay, and down on command. This is important so that your dog doesn’t get too excited around the baby.


It’s good to get a fast check up on your dog to make sure they are healthy and happy before the baby arrives. Worms can be harmful to the young baby so worm your dog. Also if your dog is not already spayed or neutered it’s a good time to get that down too.

Tolerating New Touches

Before you know it your new baby will be pulling at your dogs fur and touching all over there face. You want to make sure you introduce your dog to these before the baby is here. You can do this by poking around and handling with his ears, paws, nose, and fur. If your dog seems uncomfortable with this at first give them a treat and praise to know it’s good.

Exploring The Nursery

Let your dog take a sniff around your baby nursery at all the new baby things and scents before bringing the baby home. Let them get familiar with items like the hamper, chair, furniture, blankets, lotion, powders, toys, clothing and other baby things. This is also so when you bring your baby home and take them to the nursery, it won’t be your dogs first time and they won’t get over excited.

Train your Dog To Only Come In Nursery When Allowed

Sometimes it’s stressful to be changing a diaper or cleaning up a mess with your dog right there next to you. You need to teach them to stay at the door before you say it’s alright to come in. Do this the very first time you introduce your dog to the new room. Tell them to sit right outside then call them after they are waiting patiently. Repeat this every time you come into the room then praise with a treat and pets.

You want to make sure you have got that down before bringing the baby home.

Provide a Safety Zone For Your German Shepherd

Bringing home a new baby can be a lot for your German Shepherd, especially when your baby starts crawling or walking around. Your baby will be all over the place, this make your dog feel claustrophobic in their own spaces. That’s why you need to have a place somewhere in the house where the baby can’t get to. Make this your German Shepherd’s safe zone to get away and rest without distractions.

Wear Your German Shepherd Out Before They Meet The Baby

Right before you introduce the German Shepherd and newborn baby at home, ask a friend or family member to take your dog out for a run or to play with them. This is so your dog gets tired out. Your German Shepherd will be so excited when they see this new human, they may get too excited. You need someone to tired them out before they greet them so they can be more calm.

Other Reminders To Make Sure Everything Goes Good

Make sure especially towards the beginning of this new process you never leave your baby unsupervised with your dog. Your German Shepherd may not be fully socialized with your baby, we don’t want to take any chances.

One more thing that is very important to remember. Stay in the normal routine as much as possible. At least you and your dogs routine. You want to make sure they get daily attention and exercise.

In Closing

We hope this helped you make the process of introducing your German Shepherd and newborn baby easier. It’s hectic bringing a new baby into your life especially when having to also care for your pet. We want this process to be as safe and easy as possible, to result in an even happier and bigger family.

Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

Do you have any experience with introducing your German Shepherd and newborn baby at home? We would love to hear about it along with any advice or tips that helped you make the process a bit easier.


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