• When Do German Shepherds Ears Stand Up
    Health & Nutrition

    When Do German Shepherds Ears Stand Up? Tune In Now

    German Shepherds are well known for their supreme loyalty and intelligence. But they are also known for those big fluffy adorable ears. Although most German Shepherds traditionally have ears that stand up, they aren’t born that way. They are born floppy and normally stand up as they grow. This article will examine many aspects including when they stand up and what to do if they don’t stand up on their own. So when do German Shepherds ears stand up? Most German Shepherds ears will stand up by the age 6 months but this can vary depending on each dog and their individual genetics. Some can stand up as early on…

  • German Shepherd Ears Meaning

    German Shepherd Ears Meaning

    Being able to read your dog’s body language is a fun way to learn exactly what your dog is feeling. You can tell a lot about a German Shepherd’s emotional state from looking at their ears, eyes or their tail. Everyone is familiar with the association of a happy dog and a wagging tail but what about the other signs. There are several ways to tell what kind of mood you canine friend is in. This article will look at German Shepherd Ears Meaning and what specifically the different positions mean. This will give you a better understanding of your dog and what they are feeling. The most common position…